To have absolute confidence in bathroom and kitchen flooring, our LVT products such as our exclusive Rockwood or Egger Design Pro are water proof. These products will withstand day to day life with minimal maintenance.
We also have a selection of laminate floors that are engineered to be more waterproof than others and are suitable for use in bathrooms and kitchen.
Classen ranges have the ISOWAXX system. This unique system seals the joints upon installation and will keep the moisture out of your floor, all of the Classen floors we stock have this system. Balterio and Egger both offer a range of water resistant boards, such as the Grande and the Aqua plus tile and wood. Ask your stockist about what flooring is suitable, you may be surprised.

Although many people assume that wood floors possess the natural property of water resistance, this is not true. In order to provide this added level of durability across the lifetime of the wood floor, steps must be taken to protect the wood against the effects of spillages, wet foot traffic, and air moisture (humidity).
Types of water resistant finish include:
Polyurethane A popular choice for areas of heavy traffic. The robust finish is however difficult to touch up in the event of accidental chipping. Polyurethane is available as both an oil based and water based finish. The difference is commonly seen as a difference in the darkening of the wood, with oil based finishes generally resulting in a darker finish.
Varnish Varnishes offer a slightly less durable finish as compared to a polyurethane finish. However, a varnish not only provides adequate water resistance but is also easier to repair in the event of accidental damage.
Sealer Although sealer is easier to repair compared to other options, the durability and water resistant properties associated with a penetrative oil sealant are seen as minimal unless paired with an optional waxing process. This type of finish is ideal for low traffic areas.

Applying a water resistant finish at regular intervals (2-10 years, depending on type of finish and intensity of usage) can help to maximise the lifespan of a wood floor. Options for creating different levels of water resistance range from Polyurethane oil and water based finishes, to varnishes and sealants.
Waterproofing can help to avoid:
Bow Bowing occurs where water damage causes a distinct contraction across the surface of the wood, causing the two ends of a piece of wood flooring to rise up slightly.
Cup Much like bowing, cupping occurs where the effects of water damage results in pronounced lifted edges along the length of the wood, with the centre remaining level.
Kink A kink occurs where water damage causes a noticeable ‘dog leg’ in the direction of the natural grain. This type of damage is typically associated with knots in the wood. Twist
A twist is seen across the length of a piece of wood flooring, where water damage results in prominent one sided cupping on opposing sides and at opposite ends of the piece of wood flooring.
Crook A crook (also known as a wain) is a visible ‘c’ shaped curve in a piece of wood flooring, where water damage causes a contraction along one side of the length of the wood.

Waterproofing a wood floor (or creating a desired level of water resistance) involves adding several layers of product to the surface of the floor. However, steps must be taken in order to prime the floor in preparation for the finish to be applied.
Sanding Sanding aims to remove any existing finish that may be present. This provides a fresh surface with which to work. Vacuum away any debris, and buff the floor with fine steel wool to ensure a smooth and well prepped surface that will respond most favourably to waterproofing.
First & Second Coat There are three main types of finish available (see below). Ideally, at least two coats should be applied within a 24 hour period. This should then be left to dry for 24 hours before adding the final coat.
Final Coat Ensure to remove all furniture and foot traffic from the room during the 24 hours after applying the final coat. This is an essential consideration, as spot fixes at this stage become exceedingly difficult.